Establishing a New Medical School

There are literally millions of things to consider when you plan to establish a new medical school. The short list below highlights a few of the many things to consider:

  • Selection of a suitable location;
  • Generation of a curriculum (preclinical and clinical) that addresses the challenges of 21st century medicine and meets the requirements of accreditation bodies and licensing boards at the same time;
  • Recruitment and retention  of a sufficient number of successful students;
  • Recruitment and retention of an adequate number of highly qualified faculty;
  • Securing financial aid for students;
  • Creation of a highly effective administration; and
  • Obtaining recognition and accreditation.

You plan to establish a new medical school or want to add a new program to an existing one? Please contact us for more Information about our services in that area. We will be more  than happy to assist you in the process and will continue to be be a reliable partner once the school has been established.