Every successful academic institution has an administration whose academic and nonacademic staff is not only highly competent but also highly motivated and service oriented. At the same time, highest standards of professionalism must be adhered to. Academic and nonacademic departments as well as committees (academic and nonacademic) must function without problems with clearly defined functions, responsibilities, and reporting chains, while redundancies and conflicts (concerning e.g., reporting, responsibilities, etc.) are to be avoided.
Whatever specific needs your institution may have, we are your partner when it comes to matters of administration. Below some of those administrative areas are listed that are in high demand for advice and consulting. Your specific issue is not listed? Please contact us to discuss your particular needs.
- Student Handbook (nonacademic part)
- Student recruitment and enrollment
- Faculty Handbook (administrative issues)
- Faculty recruitment, hiring, retention, evaluation
- Non-academic departments function and responsibilities
- Registrar’s office
- Bursar
- Financial Aid
- Finance and Accounts (Payable, Receivable)
- Human Resources
- Legal
- Maintenance and Procurement
- Enrollment Management
- International Affairs
- Academic departments
- Basic Science
- Clinical Science
- Committees
- Non-academic
- Academic